Form-A-Feed provides beef products to fit all phases of beef production. Whether the operation is focused on cow/calf, backgrounding, or feedlot, Form-A-Feed has quality products to fit each operation’s needs.
Below is a sampling of the products Form-A-Feed offers. Contact us today to learn more about our customized nutrition and service programs available to fit the needs of your operation.
C.U.E. II is a direct-fed microbial (DFM) and enzyme pack designed to be fed to beef and feedlot cattle. This product contains three strains of live (viable) organisms and enzyme extracts that can be fed to all weight ranges of cattle to increase microbial efficiencies, increase nutrient utilization, and positively support animal health and performance.
MultePli is designed to improve total tract fiber and starch digestibility in ruminants. It consists of a proprietary blend of enzymes and soluble protein that stimulate rumen microbes to breakdown the fiber and starch of diets and get more energy out of the feedstuffs.
Product code(s): 75550-172 - 50 lb. bag
Hydro-Charge contains the benefits of Hydro-Lac® along with vitamins, live cell yeast, and B-vitamins for use in transition and receiving diets while cattle are in a high stress phase. Patented Hydro-Lac technology provides essential electrolytes and nutrients to maintain fluid balance for transition cattle.
Product code(s): 74224-372 - 50 lbs.
NutriSource®Mineral Tub w/Altosid®
For beef cattle on pasture, NutriSource Pro Tub w/Altosid is fortified with supplemental vitamins and trace minerals and contains Altosid to control flies and help prevent the breeding of horn flies in cattle manure. Formulated with bioavailable trace minerals and Amaferm to maximize fiber digestion and improve gut health.
Product code(s): 35292-729
NutriSource®Pro Tub w/Altosid®
For beef cattle on pasture, NutriSource Pro Tub w/Altosid is fortified with supplemental vitamins and trace minerals, MOS and B-glucans to aid the digestive tract of the animal and support the immune system. NutriSource Pro Tub contains Altosid to control flies and help prevent the breeding of horn flies in cattle manure. Contains Amaferm to maximize fiber digestion and improve gut health.
Product code(s): 35290-729
Tend-R-Leen® 525 NBC All-Natural Deccox® 80
This product is a convenient, flexible pelleted formulation to mix with corn and whole grains for creep feeding nursing beef calves or for backgrounding/growing rations for beef cattle up to 1000+ lbs. Contains Stealth 5® to stimulate immunity. To be fed with unlimited free choice forage source (pasture, hay, crop residues.) This formulation meets the requirements for all-natural beef feeding programs.
Product code(s): 31224-322
Tend-R-Leen® 525 NBC Base R120
This product is a convenient, flexible pelleted formulation to mix with corn and whole grains for creep feeding nursing beef calves or for backgrounding/growing rations for beef cattle up to 1000+ lbs. Medicated with Rumensin® for improved feed efficiency. Contains Stealth 5® to stimulate immunity. To be fed with unlimited free choice forage source (pasture, hay, crop residues.)
Product code(s): 30919-322
1529 Tend-R-Leen® PE Rumensin®
A pelleted, medicated 29% protein supplement which contains all the necessary nutrients for finishing beef cattle and dairy steers on a high-energy program from 350 pounds or 5 months of age to finish. Contains highly digestible fiber sources and requires no mineral supplementation. Amino acid balanced to provide the essential amino acids not provided by corn to maximize gain. Daily feeding rate of 2 lbs./head/day.This product is medicated with Rumensin only, so no VFD is required.
Product code(s): 39530-322, 37530-322
529 Tend-R-Leen® PE
A pelleted, medicated 29% protein supplement which contains all the necessary nutrients for finishing beef cattle and dairy steers on a high-energy program from 450 pounds or 6 months of age. Contains highly digestible fiber sources and requires no mineral supplementation. Amino acid balanced to provide the essential amino acids not provided by corn to maximize gain. Daily feeding rate of 2 lbs./head/day.
Product code(s): 39529-322, 37529-322
536 Tend-R-Leen® Ultra Finisher
A pelleted, medicated 36% protein supplement which contains all the necessary nutrients for finishing beef cattle and dairy steers on a high-energy program from 450 pounds or 6 months of age. Contains highly digestible fiber sources and requires no mineral supplementation. Amino acid balanced to provide the essential amino acids not provided by corn to maximize gain. Daily feeding rate of 1.5 lbs./head/day.
Product code(s): 39536-322, 30974-322
532 Tend-R-Leen® Grower with Deccox
A 32% protein all-natural concentrate to be mixed with grain to provide a complete growing ration for beef cattle and dairy steers from 130 to 450 pounds. Contains milk products to help the calf transition to a grower diet.
Product code(s): 39532-322, 31027-322
Form-A-Lic Tubs
Form-A-Lic tubs provide consistent, quality nutrient consumption in an economical package. Form-A-Lic tubs are palatable, weatherized, and offer premium nutrition […]
Form-A-Feed offers premixes designed for all classes of feedlot cattle.
Product code(s): BF DIST FIN R-800: 32990-122
VFD BF DIST FIN R 800 T240: 32973-122
Cattle FC Mineral B-1440: 30118-152
BF HI CAL PREMIX B-1440: 30123-132
Dairy Beef Corn-Co G-F RT
For improved feed efficiency and the reduction of incidence of liver abscesses. A medicated pelleted supplement for dairy beef cattle fed corn co-products. DB Corn-Co G-F RT is a pelleted supplement designed to be mixed with whole or slightly processed grains and corn co-products, and fed to growing and finishing cattle. It provides protein, minerals, vitamins and buffers for cattle on high grain diets. Contains Rumensin and Tylan.
Product code(s): 35546-322
Beef Concentrates/Pellets
Form-A-Feed offers concentrates and pellets designed for all classes of feedlot cattle.
Form-A-Feed provides a variety of grower and finisher premixes for backgrounding and feedlot operations to meet different feeding situations. Premix options include natural supplements containing no urea or antibiotics, high-calcium, low-phosphorus, low-protein options to be fed with diets containing corn by-products, and urea and natural protein-containing options to be utilized in diets that require added protein.
BF Starter #1 DX-227 w/Stealth 5® is designed to be fed to incoming feedlot cattle at a rate of one pound per head/day as a part of a total mixed ration. This starter pellet provides vitamins and minerals as well as safe, easily digestible fiber sources to help incoming calves adapt to feedlot diets. In addition, this product contains Deccox to guard against coccidiosis outbreaks.
Product code(s): 33118-322
Proficient 16% Calf Creep B-90
Proficient 16% Calf Creep B-90 is a high-protein, pelleted creep feed to enhance growth of calves on pasture. The added protein helps in providing extra frame to allow for the high finishing weights needed in today’s beef cattle. An ionophore, Bovatec, is included to provide coccidiosis control and improve efficiency.
C.U.E. is a direct-fed microbial designed to be fed to beef and feedlot cattle. This product contains 7 strains of live (viable) organisms, packaged in a heat-sealed, foil-lined bag that can be fed to all weight ranges of cattle to positively support animal health and performance. C.U.E. is available in dry-applied or water-soluble form.
Product code(s): Dry Applied: 37620-175
Water Soluble: 37621-185
Hydro-Shield is a combination of our tested and proven products, Hydro-Lac and Stealth 5®, with an added source of the all-natural botanicals of AroMax™. Hydro-Shield supports lower GI health of starting/receiving cattle, pre-harvest cattle, and transition cows during times of critical stress where natural pathogen control and defense is beneficial.
Product code(s): 71502-372
Hydro-Flexx provides essential nutrients to maximize the genetic potential of feedlot cattle. This product combines the patented formulation of Hydro-Lac® plus proven results of Optaflexx®. This combination results in improved gains, feed efficiency, yield grade and ribeye area, while maintaining quality grade and reducing the potential of dark cutting carcasses.
App-A-Tite is designed for use with out-of-condition forages, grains, or by-products, when molds are a concern. App-A-Tite provides a unique blend of flow agents, antioxidants, and B-vitamins to minimize losses due to these conditions.
Product code(s): 75241-172
Concentrate: 73860-172
Get in touch with a Form-A-Feed Nutrition and Production Specialist
Form-A-Lic tubs provide consistent, quality nutrient consumption in an economical package. Form-A-Lic tubs are palatable, weatherized, and offer premium nutrition […]
Hydro-Flexx makes a big difference. I’ve noticed dramatic changes with our live weight. We’re getting about 0.5% higher dressing percentage. Cull cows also dress higher when fed Hydro-Flexx. Heifers used to ship 1350-1425 lbs., but with Hydro-Flexx ship at 1425-1500 lbs.
- Kohls Land and Cattle
Metabolic issues have ceased since we started using Hydro-Lac in the fresh group. Hydro-Lac works and it will always be in the ration.
- Stelling Land & Cattle
I am a firm believer in Stealth 5 and so are my customers.
- Paul VanderWal, Dakota Country Feed & Seed
We started using the Tend-R-Leen 525 NBC product last year on our calves on pasture to make up a creep feed using our corn out of the bin so there wasn’t so much out-of-pocket expense. We mixed it ourselves and used our seed tender to deliver it to creep feeders on pasture. We feel the Rumensin® in the pellet kept the coccidiosis and bloat problems under control and the consumption stayed steady. The calves seemed to wean easier than the past because they knew what corn was and went right to the corn silage. The calves didn’t show any more flesh than when we used a conventional creep.
- Miller Ranch
In warm weather, it’s a no brainer! It just makes good sense. Hydro-Lac is a tool that should be in everybody’s cattle feeding toolbox.
- Ron Nykamp
We have been using ShowDay Feeds for many years and have always been impressed with how our cattle have performed. The product is consistent and high quality every time you open a bag.
- RJB Cattle
Hydro-Lac reduces my shrink, keeps cattle on feed and eating.
- Mark Giese & Vince Delmonico
Stealth 5 in tubs helps start calves easier and healthier with less stress. Stress Lic helped with the rate of gain and health of the calf.
- Jeff Ahrendt
I saw the improvement and added pounds when I fed Hydro-Flexx. Improved the economics of cattle. I use it when needed to help improve my cattle and I have seen results!