
Nelson Family

Founded in 1973 with a passion to Form the Feed to meet the individualized needs of the farm – Form-A-Feed keeps that passion alive yet today.  What started out as a small feed mill in Stewart, MN, has grown to include two primary manufacturing sites, multiple affiliate companies and distribution around the globe. The Nelson family has stayed true to the core beliefs their father and grandfather, Buzz Nelson, built this company on.

Over the years, Form-A-Feed has continued to grow by the addition of the following companies to our family:

2008 – Form-A-Feed Ag Services: A former retail store setting in Litchfield, MN which offered bagged and bulk feed, farm supplies, pet food and branded grocery items, closed in 2018.

2010 – Challenger Feeds: Previously located in Waterloo, IA, this acquisition broadened the customer base of Form-A-Feed to central Iowa.

2014 – Agri-Nutrition Consulting (ANC):  ANC’s unique business model includes a team of independent feed consultants.  This acquisition extended our “feed on the ground” deeper into Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and several other states.

2016 – Domain, Inc.:  The acquisition of Domain, Inc., brought with it 30+ manufacturing, logistics, and nutrition professionals as well as a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility located in New Richmond, WI. The well-known brands of Doboy®, Tend-R-Leen® and Crop Cure® also were a part of this acquisition.

2017 – Sci-Tech Premixes – Formerly a sister company of Form-A-Feed, Sci-Tech Premixes was added to the Form-A-Feed family in 2017 for their innovative product development expertise and exceptional ruminant nutritional service consultation.

2019 – Peets Feed: Located in Freemont, NE, Peet’s Feed is a regional feed manufacturer that provides high quality nutritional supplements for all phases of swine, beef and dairy production. This acquisition expanded Form-A-Feed’s market reach to serve areas of Eastern Nebraska, South Dakota, Western Iowa, and Northeast Kansas.

2020 – AgVenture Feeds: AgVenture has supplies dairy and beef farmers, crop farmers, hobby farmers, and pet owners an outstanding selection of bagged and bulk feed and seed in Watkins, MN.


  Form-A-Feed Ag Services LogoDoboyChallenger FeedsAgri-Nutrition ConsultingSci-Tech Premixes