Swine Feeding Projections for August 2023
August 2023 Swine Feeding Projections
- Currently there are nice profits for farrow to finish producers. Looking ahead the lean hog futures are telling us that they will go back negative sometime in the September/October time frame and remain negative until spring of 2024.
- Farrow to wean producers still continue to struggle with below breakeven spot market weaned and feeder pig prices.
- Sow liquidation has ticked up recently, a reflection of the challenges the industry has faced.
- Contradictory to the above information around liquidation – Nursery and Finishing spaces appear to be tightening. Fewer spaces are empty and looking for pigs. This could be due to farrow to wean producers keeping these cheap weaned pigs and retaining them through finishing. Additionally it appears that productivity and health has been improving increasing overall herd inventories.
- Current focus – continue to work with producers closely to take advantage of any formulation savings there are. Feed cost account for 65-70% of total cost. Every penny counts now more than ever.
Please reach out to your Form-A-Feed representative with any questions!