Form-A-Feed Announces 2020 Scholarship Winners
Posted: June 23, 2020

Form-A-Feed has selected four students out of over 30 applicants to receive a Form-A-Feed scholarship. Each year Form-A-Feed awards scholarships to graduating high school seniors and first year college students who are pursuing an agriculture related career at a 2- or 4-year college or university.
Earning a $750 scholarship from Form-A-Feed:
- Martha Moenning, Hayfield, MN. Attending Butler Community College
- Bailee Schiefelbein, Kimball, MN. Attending Oklahoma State University
Earning a $500 scholarship from Form-A-Feed:
- Maggie Cronk, Henning, MN. Attending North Dakota State University
- Carla Edleman, Cambridge, IA. Attending Iowa State University
Congratulations to all scholarship winners! We wish you luck as you go on into your careers in the agriculture industry!