Stealth 5®Concentrate

Product code(s):

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STEALTH 5® Concentrate improves rumen function in 5 Modes of Action.

Stealth 5 Concentrate is designed to be added to livestock diets to maintain optimal health and performance. This product is a source of dried yeast, yeast culture, yeast extract, and hydrolyzed yeast designed for optimal health in livestock. This combination enhances rumen function, interferes with pathogens binding to host tissue, feeds beneficial bacteria in the lower intestinal tract and improves overall immune function and health. Stealth 5 Concentrate offers multi-species applications.

Stealth 5 Concentrate Delivers:

Optimum Health Better immune response, interferes with pathogens, less morbidity and mortality.
Flexible Use Multi-species: young to mature animals.
Proven Results Effective against pathogens.
Stability Consistent and reliable.
Palatabilty Blends into any type of ration.


Contact your Form-A-Feed representative to learn more about Stealth 5 Concentrate and products containing Stealth 5.

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