
Specialty Calf Products for Daily Wellness and Critical Care


Daily Wellness Products

Form-A-Calf Prime 14

For prevention of scours caused by multiple pathogen sources (bacterial, viral, or protozoal) and improved immunocompetence. To be fed for minimum of the first 14 days on milk up to the entire time on liquid feed.

Scours is a multi-faceted disease of young calves that negatively impact profitability of the dairy through reduced calf performance, treatment cost, death losses and additional labor.

Form-A-Calf Prime 14 has been developed in response to the vast demand to help prevent scours and the increased pressure to reduce the usage of medication on neonatal calves.


  • Medium chain fatty acids
  • Yeast extract and cell wall components
  • Immunonutrients from first milking colostrum
  • Antioxidants
  • Essential amino acids
  • Chelated organic zinc


  • Interferes with the growth of potential scours inducing pathogens
  • Modulates gut immunity and microflora
  • Increases nutrient absorption for higher preweaning average daily gain
  • Stimulates early intestinal cell growth
  • Protects cells from oxidative damage

10 g per head per day mixed into whole milk or milk replacer for at least the first 14 days of life.

Product code: 70036-174 – 2 Kg
Product code: 70036-175 – 10 Kg

Form-A-Calf Probiotic Daily

A water-soluble prebiotic and probiotic for promotion of a strong healthy GIT and immune system. To be fed as recovery from scours or entire time on liquid feed for improved performance.

Product code: 20182-174 – 500 g
Product code: 20182-175 – 5 Kg

Critical Care Products

Form-A-Calf Renew

A prebiotic, probiotic, and essential oil bolus to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of pathogens that cause scours. Give at the first sign of scours.

Product code: 21975-179 – 5 gram capsule – 36 capsules per jar

Form-A-Calf Probiotic Bolus

A probiotic bolus to reintroduce good bacteria that are lost during scours. High dose of live & viable beneficial microorganisms.

Product code: 20190-173 – 6 gram capsule – 36 capsules per jar

Form-A-Calf Electrolyte

Supplemental fluids, electrolytes, buffers, and energy to support the scouring calf. A source of energy, electrolytes, osmolytes, buffers, and fructo-oligosaccharides.

Product code: 20180-173 – 3.6 lb
Product code: 20180-175 – 25 lb

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