Crop Cure

Maximize the nutritional value of your silages by treating them with Crop Cure® before ensiling to ensure proper fermentation steps.
Crop Cure is a dry granular preservative for all silage, high moisture ensiled corn, and baled hay.
- Crop Cure works on a wide range of forages.
- Works on a wide range of moisture conditions.
- Works in silos, bunkers, bags, balage and bales.
- Inhibits mold growth
- Reduces dry matter loss up to 50%.
- Saves nutrients.
- Safe to use – EPA and FDA GRAS clearance.
Attacks Mold
Crop Cure attacks mold, the primary cause of heating. When haylage stays cooler with Crop Cure, research has shown an increase of up to 10% more protein available for digestion over untreated hay silage, and reduction in dry matter loss of as much as 50%. That adds up to more feed and more pounds of milk per acre.
Improves the Palatability & Stability of Haylage
University of Minnesota research has shown the addition of sodium diacetate, the active ingredient in Crop Cure, tends to improve the stability of alfalfa haylage during feed out.
Crop Cure Products:
Crop Cure – 79800-172
Crop Cure Green2Gold– 71804-172