The Life of a Tend-R-Leen Steer
(Birth to Market)
Stage 1
Birth to 3 days old
- Colostrum or Calf Armor 150 Colostrum Replacer
3 days to weaning
- Prime Life Milk Replacer
- Approximate usage: 50 pounds
- Free choice Prime Life Calf Starter
- Approximate usage: 50 pounds
Stage 2
Weaning to 450 pounds
- Tend-R-Leen Grower Formula
- 2 pounds per head per day
- Approximate usage: 272 pounds
- Free choice whole dry shell corn
Stage 3
450 pounds to finish
- Tend-R-Leen Ultra Finisher
- 1 ½ pounds per head per day
- Approximate usage: 457 pounds
- Free choice whole dry shell corn
- Free choice trace mineral salt