Cattle Feeding Projections for November 2024
Posted: November 26, 2024 | Written By: Tim Kinches and Allison VanDerWal, Form-A-Feed

As we look at this month’s projections, take note we have updated the commodities to reflect new crop pricing. As feeder cattle sales start to slow after the large runs in October, prices remain strong as we enter the 11th month of the year. Not a lot of black in this month’s projections for native cattle and more red in the heifers than previously seen this year. Heifer prices seem to be getting stronger maybe due to those trying to rebuild the cow herd, but time will tell. A lot of the variation we are seeing in the country regarding cost of gains is in relation to how people are valuing their corn and if they were able to take advantage of stocking up on cheaper byproducts over the summer. As you run on-farm projections, take a look at multiple feeding strategies to see what makes the most economical sense for your operation from a marketing and risk management perspective.
As we get into the winter months, we need to think about transitioning to winter cattle management. Those on self-feeders, make sure they are adjusted to keep feed flowing. Cow-calf producers, mid-gestation is the easiest point to add weight for cows that are a little thin. On the feedlot, monitor dry matters, check water heaters, and keep bedding dry. Be consistent in your day-to-day management and reach out to your Form-A-Feed representative to discuss products such as Hydro-Charge and Stealth 5 to enhance rumen and immune function and help keep cattle on track through seasonal changes.